Do you want to have an artistic memory of your precious pet?
Or you wish to surprise your loved ones with a personal gift?

Pets Oil Paintings

Ready Made Pet Portraits

See and choose from a set of available animal portraits I prepared for you

On Order Pet Portraits

Send me a photo to discuss and order a special oil portrait of your own fur baby

Small formats

All of these portraits are considered as small formats, with a side size of up to 30 cm (11.8")

If you prefer, please choose from the following available ready made portraits

About the product


My Ready Made Pet Portraits in oil come in three formats:

A. 13 cm x 18 cm (5,1“x7,1“)

B. 20 cm x 20 cm (7,9“ x 7,9“)

C. 25 cm x 30 cm( 9,8“ x 11,8“)

For On Order Pet Portraits, choice of the format with a side size of up to 30 cm (11.8 "), is based on the format of the original artwork (photo) and composition.


Prices of Ready Made Pet Portraits (depending on the format):

A. 70 EUR ($82)

B. 90 EUR ($105)

C. 100 EUR ($116)

In case of On Order Pet Portraits, additional consultations will be needed to align on your expectations for final version of the painting, and to set the price.

Production time

Paintings will be shipped within 5 weeks after your order has been confirmed and the payment has been received.
Please note oil painings require at least one week to dry.

If for some reason I am not able to meet the 5 weeks time frame, you will be informed about this before the order is confirmed.

Shipment cost and delivery time

European Union (EU) countries

We deliver packages to European union by land transport or by air transport via DHL Express.

EU by land transport

  • Approximate shipment cost for European Union: 15 – 30 EUR
  • Average delivery times for European Union: 3 – 9 workdays

EU by air transport via DHL Express

  • Approximate shipment cost for European Union: 22 EUR
  • Delivery time for European Union: 1 workday

USA, Canada and other countries

We deliver packages to USA, Canada and other countries only via DHL Express.

USA, Canada via DHL Express

  • Approximate shipment cost for USA and Canada: $30
  • Delivery time for USA and Canada: 3 workdays

Other countries via DHL Express

  • Approximate shipment cost for other countries: $53
  • Delivery time for other countries: 4 workdays

How to order

Please follow instructions bellow and contact me by email on:


To specify your order, choose from available portraits or attach a photo of your pet (JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF).
Complete your email and send it.


Based on this report, I will contact you for consultation if needed.
I will also inform you about the exact pricing, shipment costs and delivery dates.


Once you agree with price quote, all your questions were responded and you confirm your order, you will receive the invoice.


Pay your invoice by one of these methods: PayPal, credit cards VISA, Master Card, American Express


When invoice is paid, I will start working on your order to deliver at the agreed time.


Your package will be sent as described above. I will send you an email at the date of delivery to the chosen parcel service.